Hershey's, the classic candy bar in the original S'mores, actually introduced a S'mores Candy Bar in 2003. The bar had a layer of graham cracker bits topped with marshmallow and coated with milk chocolate. The S'mores bar was discontinued. When it was introduced, there was a a Cooler promotion. Collect 9 box tabs and get a 12-pack Soft Coole, so you could keep the chocolate cool.
Madyson's Marshmallows has its own giant hand-made Smores Candy Bar for sale on etsy.
"Bite into this delicious chocolate bar and you'll find crunchy graham crackers and our sweet, fluffy gourmet marshmallow piped right in between two layers of a very fine dark chocolate!At just over 6 ounces of sweet heaven, you will surely delight someone with this giant dark chocolate Smore's bar."
Want to make your own S'mores Candy Bars? NotSoHumblePie has a recipe for S'mores Chocolate Bars. You'll need a chocolate bar pan, but it's worth it! Yum!!
S'mores Marshmallow Chocolate Balls Candy
These are available from several bulk chocolate places. Copy reads:
"No need for a campfire to enjoy this twist on a classic favorite.... soft and fluffy marshmallow balls are coated in decadent milk chocolate and then rolled into crumbled graham crackers to create the ultimate taste sensation!"
Recchiuti has a fabulous S'mores Kit that's a true gourmet S'mores and a Real Simple top pick. Each kits includes 9 handmade Vanilla Bean Marshmallows, 8 Recchiuti Grahams, and 1 Bittersweet Chocolate Bar, so you can create 4 S'mores sandwichs or 8 open faced Smore's. This is one of my favorites.
And, since I'm a big truffles fan, try this S'mores Truffles recipe from the fabulous Elizabeth LaBau on about.com. Isn't it amazing how versatile these three ingredients are?
Tip: If you want a more graham cracker flavor, stir a handful of coarsely crushed crackers into the ganache itself. The truffles won’t have a smooth, creamy texture, but they’ll have a greater graham taste and an interesting crunch. As always, the quality of the truffles dependson the quality of the chocolate you use, so be sure to use a good-quality chocolate you enjoy eating. This recipe yields about 2 dozen truffles.
S'mores Truffles

9 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (about 1.25 cups)
2/3 cup cream
4 graham cracker sheets
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
Prepare your materials: line baking sheet with aluminum foil and set aside. Crush graham crackers in food processor or with large knife and place them in bowl. Put mini marshmallows in a bowl and set aside as well. Place chopped chocolate in a large bowl.
Place cream in small saucepan over medium heat and scald until bubbles being to appear around sides of the pan. Pour cream over the chocolate and allow to soften and melt chocolate for one minute.
Using whisk, gently stir to combine cream and chocolate. Do not stir too vigorously or you will incorporate air bubbles. Continue to whisk until cream and chocolate is homogenous.
Cover truffle mixture with cling wrap and allow to cool to room temperature. Once cool, refrigerate until texture of semi-firm cookie dough, about 90 minutes.
To form truffles, make sure you have all ingredients (ganache, graham crumbs, and marshmallows) set out. Using small spoon, scoop up ball of ganache about size of large marble. Press one or two mini marshmallows into center of ball, and scoop out a little more ganache with spoon, pressing it over marshmallows to cover them completely with chocolate. This process will be messy, and at first the truffle ball will be misshapen.
Drop truffle into bowl of graham crumbs. Roll it around until coated with crumbs, then pick it up and roll between your palms until round. Roll once more in crumbs to get a good coating, then place on prepared baking sheet. This is done because first layer of graham crumbs prevents truffle from becoming too sticky when you roll it between your hands.
Repeat process with remaining ganache and marshmallows. Truffles can be served immediately, or stored in airtight container in refrigerator for up to a week. Bring to room temperature before serving.
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