Today is
Cotton Candy Day. I have never made Cotton Candy, and growing up we bought it fresh from the spinner at Faires, the Circus, and the Amusement Park. Now, you can buy it already made and packaged at the candy store or supermarket. You can also make your own using a Cotton Candy home machine available on Amazon and elsewhere. Cotton Candy comes in all kinds of bright colors -- pink, blue, yellow and more. It even comes in a
chocolate flavor. I've seen a lot of recipes for
cotton candy truffles and
cotton candy fudge, but they all use even more artificial flavors and colorings than the cotton candy itself has. So I'm posting a simpler recipe for
Cotton Candy Hot Chocolate. The cotton candy is used as you would use marshmallows--on top of the cocoa. The
cotton candy also acts as the sugar for your cocoa, so you can reduce the sugar in your hot chocolate recipe. This would be a great recipe for
Valentine's Day. Just add some sugar heart candy! Original recipe and suggestion from
Stepable. Of course you can always just make your own cocoa your own way and top with Cotton Candy, but I always like to have an alternate
cocoa recipe.
Where did Cotton Candy originate?
Most people think the origin of cotton candy (also known as spun sugar" "fairy floss" or "candy floss") is a simple documented fact. It's not. There are several stories recounting the invention of cotton candy. All are interesting. None are definitive. Most accounts credit the invention of cotton candy to enterprising American businessmen at the turn of the 20th century. The 1904 Louisiana Exposition in St. Louis is often cited as the place where cotton candy was introduction to the American people.
The truth? Spun sugar was known long before this time. Mid-18th century master confectioners in Europe and America hand crafted spun sugar nests as Easter decorations and webs of silver and gold spun sugar for elaborate dessert presentations. At that time, spun sugar was an expensive, labor-intensive endeavor and was not generally available to the average person. The invention of modern machines changed all that.
1-1/2 ounces dark chocolate, chopped
1-1/2 ounces unsweetened cocoa
3/4 tablespoon cornstarch (or flour)
1 tablespoon sugar
1-1/2 cups milk
Cotton candy
In saucepan over low-medium heat, combine cocoa powder, chocolate, cornstarch, and sugar with small whisk.
With a little bit of milk, whisk chocolate to avoid lumps.
Add milk gradually while whisking continuously.
Turn off heat when hot chocolate thickens and reaches consistency you like. If it's too thick, add more milk.
Serve hot with cotton candy on top. The cotton candy serves as the sugar so amount can be adjusted.
Oh my Janet, I totally missed Cotton Candy Day not only today but in December too. (I thought it was December 7th, lol:)
We've finally got some cold temepratures going on and that Cotton Candy Hot Chocolate sounds pretty darn good!
Thanks for sharing, Janet...
P.S. I did a rather in depth history about Cotton Candy way back in 2008 at my Tasteful Inventions blog. It's a pretty interesting story if you're curious:)
Oh how funny...I looked at the wrong month. Cotton Candy Day is December 7. LOL.
Love your post on Cotton Candy.. So in depth. Now I have to check out all the links.
In all honesty, I think Cotton Candy Day should be during the warmer weather, lol...So glad you enjoyed the post. I wish I had time to continue that blog I really LOVE digging deep!!!
Thanks Janet:)
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