Sharry Baby in a chocolate oncidium that produces multiple spikes with dozens of tiny blossoms. Although the petals appear to be delicate, they're really quite firm with almost a leathery feel--and the smell, well it smells just like chocolate! The scent can be addictive, but you won't gain weight. I have a few, and I'm pretty sure I picked them up at Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's, by the way, has some very fine earth-friendly chocolate, as well as great orchids.
Encyclia phoenicium is a fragrant Cuban orchid that smells of chocolate and sends up a spray of flowers with small Cattleya like shape. Not as easy to find as Oncidium Sharry Baby.
Remember, you can always eat chocolate in the hothouse while tending your orchids. Warm chocolate is soooo good.
Now that would be torture. They smell so edible...
These sound like aroma heaven! I don’t have any in my collection, but I’m seriously reconsidering that. Before you buy any orchids including these, here are 3 orchid care questions to ask first.
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