
Monday, March 28, 2011

Prince William's Groom's Cake: Chocolate Biscuit Cake

Prince William has chosen a Wedding Cake made of Cookies. There will be 1700 McVitie's Rich Tea Cookies and 17 kilos of chocolate!

Sweet-toothed Prince William has personally requested a "groom's cake" made of cookies (biscuits) and chocolate to be served alongside the couple's official wedding cake. The groom's cake is a wedding tradition associated with the southern United States (Remember the Red Velvet Armadillo Groom's Cake in Steel Magnolia's?). Prince William is said to have “chosen an old family favorite, made of McVitie’s Rich Tea biscuits and chocolate.”

Guests at the Buckingham Palace reception on April 29 will be able to choose between the "chocolate biscuit cake," as it is commonly known in the UK, and a classic fruitcake.

The groom's cake will be made by British cookie-makers McVitie's, using a secret recipe given to them by royal insiders. What is known is that huge cake will contain 17 kilos of chocolate and some 1,700 of the company's "Rich Tea" brand cookies -- enough to feed all 600 guests.

"It's going to be literally covered in chocolate decoration," Paul Courtney, the cake head chef at McVitie's said. "It's going to be beautiful."

Kate has organized the main wedding cake, commissioning luxury cake designer Fiona Cairns to make a huge multi-tiered fruit cake decorated with cream and white floral decorations.

So there will be two wedding cakes: Which cake is likely to go first?

You can make your own Chocolate Biscuit Cake. It's really just a lot of melted chocolate and broken digestive biscuits. I'm sure the 'official' cake will have breath-taking chocolate decorations, though. This recipe doesn't. As always, use the best quality of chocolate.  Here's a link to a wonderful (and easy) Chocolate Biscuit Cake recipe from The Daily Spud.

Photo: Chocolate Biscuit Cake: TheDailySpud


Unknown said...

This "cake" -- in almost any of it's variations -- is incredibly rich and delicious. A couple of the key ingredients (Rich Tea Biscuits and Golden Syrup) can be hard to find unless you go to a good specialty British grocery shop.

In Texas, the British Emporium ( carries those two items, and dark Cadbury chocolate as well, and I believe they ship anywhere.

muslim marriage events said...

i’ve had some really good fruit cakes in my day…and some really bad ones. i’m assuming that since they’re filthy rich that they’ll have an awesome tasting cake.

Bobbi Mumm said...

I'd put money on the chocolate gateau disappearing first. Kate's cake will go home as keepsakes, I'll bet. I remember, as a little girl, at weddings we always went home with a piece of the wedding fruit cake, wrapped nicely. We put it under our pillows so that we'd dream of our future husbands. I never did marry Donny Osmond!

Annmarie Kostyk, Chocolate Goddess said...

I, too, dreamed of Donny Osmond. Now I dream of things like chocolate biscuit cake. How things have changed. I still have a better chance at the desserts than I do for the man...

Anonymous said...

Hi Thanks For

Sharing this.


Jane Barr said...

I tried making the chocolate biscuit cake today. I used the recipe from Eating Royally, and it didn't seem to really turn out. I see Larry G mentions Golden Syrup, so I guess I need to find a different recipe. I had tracked down the McVities biscuits and everything! Oh well, ;-)


Janet Rudolph said...

Jane, keep me posted!

Well Dressed Girl said...

I just bought my ingredients. I can't wait to make this!

Jane Barr said...

This is some time later to be commenting, but I finally found a good recipe for this cake and it was incredible! Made for a fantastic royal wedding celebration, but would be lovely for any tea time treat!

Anonymous said...

Your recipe looks delicious. I need to try it! Sadly it is not gluten free.

Anonymous said...

Hi there
Has anyone got a saved copy of the daily spud Roley's choc biscuit cake please? I make it every year for my husbands birthday but it the daily spud site is not longer available! You'd think i would know it by heart by now! Help!!
thanks :)