
Saturday, March 22, 2025

BAVARIAN CREPES DAY: Chocolate Bavarian Crepes

Today is Bavarian Crepe Day, and it's the perfect day for these pancake-like desserts. A Bavarian crepe is made from buckwheat flour or wheat flour. It is usually filled with Bavarian cream and then topped with fruits, chocolate, and whipped cream.

Bavarian Crepes are popular in Central and Eastern Europe and are similar to French crepes (thin pancakes). The popularity of Bavarian crepes is that they were usually filled with rich Bavarian cream.

The following recipe doesn't include Bavarian Cream, but you can easily add it before you flip the crepes. These crepes are very versatile.



4 eggs, beaten 
2 cups milk 
1 1⁄2 cups flour 
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 
1⁄2 teaspoon salt 
2 tablespoons sugar 
Chocolate Chips
Dark Chocolate Sauce 
Whipped Cream


Mix all ingredients; don't over beat. Mix may have some lumps. Heat skillet and melt butter. Pour about 1/2 cup mix in circle into skillet and fry until bubbly. Turn over and fry until light brown. Sprinkle with Chocolate Chips. Roll up and drizzle chocolate sauce. Top with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

Friday, March 21, 2025


Today is California Strawberries Day. I've posted lots of strawberry recipes, but here's an old favorite: Chocolate Dipped Strawberries. So easy. Want to get fancier? You can always stuff strawberries with chocolate cream, marscapone, chocolate chip cookie dough, cheesecake or tiramasu before dipping -- and you can drizzle some white chocolate over the finished dipped strawberries.

The Chef pictured in the photo is by Sonoma artist Cynthia Hipkiss. I love her oddball humor, and I have several of her pieces. I love this Chef, in particular, and he holds a coveted space by my stove (an early 1950s dark blue O'Keefe Merritt). I've had the Chef forever. What's particularly fun about him is what he's holding can be changed. I have a strawberry shortcake, a birthday cake, and a plate of hot dogs with all the trimmings. The smaller food sculptures are attached with velcro. Very clever! Hipkiss's work is carried in several art galleries. Many of her sculptures of women remind me of my aunts from whom I learned many baking tips. Luckily I'm not quite as full-bodied as they were, but then they were great bakers and enjoyed what they baked!


1 quart fresh large fresh strawberries, with tops
1 cup Dark Chocolate 60-65% cacao, chopped
1/2 cup Dark Chocolate 70-85% cacao, chopped
3 Tbsp heavy cream

Rinse strawberries and dry thoroughly, keeping tops on. In top of double boiler or stainless
steel bowl on top of saucepan over simmering water, combine chocolate and heavy cream. Stir until
chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth.
Dip strawberries 1/2 to 3/4 way up in chocolate mixture and place on parchment-lined cookie sheet to allow chocolate to harden.

Wash strawberries and pat dry with paper towels; set aside. Make sure strawberries are
completely dry. A drop of water in melted chocolate can cause it to "seize" and turn the
entire mixture into a mess.
How to Fix Seized Chocolate

How to dip:
Grasp stem of strawberry and dip into chocolate, swirling to partially cover with chocolate.
Give the strawberry a small shake as you pull it out of chocolate. When strawberry is
completely out of chocolate, swirl it in quick, clockwise motion to let excess chocolate drip off.
Place on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
Repeat with rest of strawberries.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

CHOCOLATE PEPERMINT PATTY CAKE: Retro Recipe for Spring Equinox

Welcome Spring! Here's a great Retro Advertisement with recipe from Baker's Chocolate from March 1941 for Chocolate Peppermint Patty Cake.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

CHOCOLATE CARAMEL POKE CAKE: Retro Recipe for National Chocolate Caramel Day!

I love Chocolate and Caramel and since today is National Caramel Day, here's an easy recipe for Chocolate Caramel Poke Cake adapted from my good friend Elsie the Cow!

There are all kinds of Poke Cake recipes, but basically a Poke Cake is a cake that's been poked with the bottom of a wooden spoon as soon as it's hot out of the oven. Then liquid--in this case caramel sauce--is poured over it, and the cake absorbs it in varying areas. Yum! This is a great Retro Recipe that you're going to love it!

Chocolate Caramel Poke Cake

1 box chocolate cake mix (Duncan Hines)
1-14 oz. can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
1-14 oz. jar of caramel topping (I use Rechiutti Caramel sauce)
Container of Cool Whip  (or update this recipe with real whipped cream)
Toffee Bits or crumbled Heath Bars

Mix Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk and caramel together (warm up, if you need to).
Prepare cake as instructed on box. Bake in rectangular pan.
Remove cake from oven when done and poke holes in top of cake (I use the bottom of a wooden spoon) and pour caramel mixture evenly over cake while cake is still hot.
Refrigerate for at least two hours.
Spread with Cool Whip (or real Whipped Cream)
Sprinkle with Toffee Bits or crumbled Heath Bars.