
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

ROCKY ROAD CAKE: Retro Ad with Recipe

I'm a sucker for Retro Food Ads, especially those with recipes. This recipe is pretty odd, but still tasty. I've made it, but I leave out the raisins and add chocolate chips instead. What I really love about this 1983 Best Foods Ad is the use of "Blue Danube" dishes. I have over 25 sets of dishes, and, of course, I have Blue Danube. They were all the rage and pretty inexpensive at the time. Not any more. They fetch a pretty penny on eBay. This ad appeared in McCall Magazine.

So if you're interested in a Rocky Road Cake, give this recipe a try! Let me know what you think!


Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I love the retro ads too. When I was going through my mothers things, I came across a wide variety of recipes in ads like that, as well as old recipe books that companies used to publish. What treasures! I have a lot of sets of dishes as well, but I don’t have blue Danube. I have always admired that pattern though.

Lisa said...

Oh, yes, how much better sounding with chocolate chips! I am not a mayo fan, but have found it adds something to recipes without tasting like mayo. I use it in potato salad, egg salad, deviled eggs, part of a chicken coating, and to dip artichokes into. That's it! I have had it in chocolate cake, and you can't tell. It used to be 1/2 the ranch dressing recipe (with powdered mix) before ranch dressing was a standard.