
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brownies Recipe Round-up

Photo: Ghirardelli: Gluten-Free Brownies
Today is National Brownie Day, a favorite chocolate holiday. I've posted so many recipes for Brownies over the years on Dying for Chocolate. Here's a round-up of most of the Brownie Recipes. I'm sure I didn't catch them all, but it's a start. Hope you enjoy all the recipes. Feel free to add links to your own favorites in the comments.

Round-up of Brownie Recipes

Aunt Sylvia's Brownies

Peppermint Bark Brownies

Guy Fawkes Night: Bonfire Brownies

Peanut Butter Toffee Cheesecake Brownies

White Chocolate Brownies with Macadamia Nuts 

Full Moon Brownies

Fudgy Mocha Brownies

Cream Cheese Brownies

Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies

Kahlua Brownies

Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies

Strawberry Extra-Chocolately Brownies

Ghirardelli Gluten-Free Brownies

S'mores Brownies (from a mix)

S'mores Brownies from Scratch

Gravenstein Apple Chocolate Brownies

Halloween Oreo Brownies (although you can use regular ones at other times)

Cocoanut Golden-Brownies

Chocolate Walnut Brownies

Chocolate Raspberry Beer Brownies

Bacon Brownies

Brandy Alexander Brownies

Double Chocolate Fresh Cherry Brownies

Brownies in a Jar


  1. I'd love to try every one of these luscious brownie recipes.

  2. Thanks, Barbara, for stopping by. I know you have a lot of brownie recipes!
