
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chocolate Peanut Cream Cake: "Here's a Pal to Summer Desserts"

You know I just love these Baker's Chocolate Ads & Recipes. This Baker's Chocolate Peanut Cream Cake from July 10, 1939 was specifically marketed as a Summer Cake.

I love the beginning. "Here's a Pal to Summer Desserts! Was it you we heard wishing for a summer cake recipe? We know you'll like this one." The ad goes on to say "It's simply grand to take on picnics--because it keeps so nice and moist. So maybe I'll mix up this cake today."

Wish I could order the "Free Party Book of chocolate foods for every occasion" offered at the end of the  advertisement.  In any case, you can still make and enjoy this great Summertime Peanut Cream Cake. 

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