
Friday, May 2, 2014

Lavender Dreams Chocolate Truffles

Today is National Truffle Day and keeping with the Spring theme (yesterday I posted Queen of the May Chocolate Cake!), here's a wonderful recipe for Lavender Chocolate Truffles! I have several varieties of lavender in my garden, and I use the lavender for just about everything. In this recipe, you infuse the cream with the lavender and then remove the buds. Very easy!

Lavender is a member of the mint family and is close to rosemary, sage, and thyme. English Lavender has the sweetest fragrance of all the lavenders and is the one most commonly used in cooking. Just an FYI, lavender has a very strong flavor. A little goes a long way.


2/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1-1/2 Tablespoons lavender buds
2 Tablespoons honey
1 1/3 cups DARK chocolate (65–75% cocoa), chopped
Cocoa powder for dusting

Line baking sheet with parchment.
Bring whipping cream to a simmer  (do not let boil!)
Remove saucepan from heat. Stir in lavender buds.
Cover and steep for 10 minutes.
Strain whipping cream to remove lavender buds.
Whisk in honey.
Put chocolate in medium bowl and pour hot infused honey and lavender cream over chocolate. Whisk to blend chocolate into cream for your ganache.
Set ganache to chill at room temperature for several hours.
Using small scoop or melon baller  and hands shape ganache into balls.
Put cocoa powder in shallow bowl. Roll truffle balls in cocoa.
Transfer cocoa dusted truffles to parchment lined baking sheet.
Store in cool, dry place (not refrigerator).


  1. Hi Janet!

    Happy Truffle Day! Don't these truffles sound "dreamy" lol..

    I just bought another Lavendar plant because mine didn't make it through this harsh Winter. (I had to replace Rosemary too:) Tomorrow is National Herb Day so I have pinned your post to my Herb Day board. Thanks so much for sharing, Janet...

  2. Oh, herb day! should have waited.. of course, tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby, so must have pie!!! Thanks for posting!
